Environment Policy

Environment-friendly Wood Machining

Preserving Natural Resources

We sort, reduce and recycle our wastes (wood, oil, water, packagings, paper…)

Social Policy

Enforcing Human Rights and Labor Laws

Respecting people

Prohibition of child and illegal labor, of moral and sexual harassing, respect of the work conditions…

Economical Policy

Constantly Improving our Services

Ensuring a Sustainable Economical Growth

We satisfy our clients’ needs by improving our quality management system.

“We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children” (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) .

Since our ISO 9001 certification, we had the will to integrate in our quality system, the concepts of safety and environment.

The evolution of economic, ecological and social contexts of our business allows us to become aware of our actions and their consequences and
so to move towards a sustainable development.

This allows us to move towards the establishment of an environmental management system.

According to the Brundtland Report, World Commission on Environment and Development defines sustainable development as follows:

“This is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Our commitments

  • Sort, reduce and develop our wastes by the implementation of wood dumpsters (treatment realized by an external company) of a dumpster, of a silo sawdust, dustbin for plastic, glass, household wastes and the recovery of cartridges ad batteries.
  • The specific products and waste oils are recovered and treated by an external company .
  • Control and reduce our consumption of water and energy with staff awareness through simple gestures.
  • Reduce consumption of packaging by adapting their size to the package and offering our suppliers and customers packaging “type shuttles. “
  • Reduce paper consumption by printing what is really necessary and recycling the unusable paper.
  • Use more environmentally friendly products by choosing alternatives to specific products Products without phenol and vegetable gums are proposed to our customers
  • Reduce of gas emission for greenhouse effect by optimizing freight transport, by privileging for displacement of staff, public transport.

Apply human rights and labor law:

  • Prohibition of child and illegal labor
  • Prohibition of moral and sexual harassing
  • Respect of the work conditions …
  • New recruits are received in respect of the process of integration to ensure the transmission of information necessary for good comprehension of their workstation, the objectives and the activities the company.
  • Promote the diversity by respecting the parity men / women, regardless of job level.
  • We ensure the equality of opportunity and treatment for all our employees. And we adapt
    methods recruitment to fight against all forms of discrimination.
  • Ensure the security in order to protect the durably the health our employees and preserve our common environment by putting in place arrangements for the prevention of risks related to our activities
  • To encourage the formation in order to improve constantly the competencies of our employees. We accommodate regularly trainees.
  • Promote our territorial integration by taking part most often to local associations, we have relationships with local stakeholders and the local Chamber of Commerce.
  • We organize visits for schools
  • For some of our projects, we choose to work with an ESAT (French support and works assistance Establishment)

We respect the laws and regulations relating to our business and our business environment, particularly in the following areas:

  • Competition
  • Corruption, bribes, bribe and extortion
  • Money laundering

  • Satisfy our customers and ensure quality by continuing amelioration of our products and our services. To be attentive to our customers, we can answer effectively to their needs.
  • To engage with our suppliers by evaluating them regularly in order to determinate improvement axes.
  • Perpetuate our development by the establishment of a system of management quality based on internal documentation.